Best Practices for Using Microsoft Outlook from a Sales Perspective

Archive for the Contacts Category

Arrow-Tip #10 Having a Hard Time Finding Your Contacts?

Keep all your contacts in one Contact folder! Here is a quick tip that I wanted to post because I run into it a lot. Don’t confuse folders with views. A lot of people who want to organize their contacts in Microsoft Outlook create separate folders for different types of …

How to Move Contacts Between Folders

Select all of the contacts that you would like to move in any Microsoft Outlook contact view. Select Move to Folder from the Mircosofot Outlook Explorer Edit menu (see thumbnail below).

The Move Items window will now open. Choose the folder that you would like to move the selected …

How to Access Outlook Items from the Contact Activities Tab

In Microsoft Outlook, open a contact record and click on the Activities tab (see thumbnail below – note this screen print shows a HuntressPro contact record which will look slightly different than a standard Outlook contact record, but the Activities tab placement is the same).

How to Set Up Custom Activities Tab Views

On the Outlook folder list, right click on the Contacts folder and select Properties from the pop up menu – the Properties window will open. Go to the Activities tab on the Properties window, select All Items and the click the Copy button (see thumbnail below). The View …

Arrow-Tip #4 Don’t Use Your Inbox as a Data Repository Part II

One of the great benefits of using a database (like Microsoft Outlook) is all the different ways you can slice and dice your data. For example, say it is time to start beefing up your staff and you want to find all the contacts in your database that are recruiters. …

How to Avoid Creating Duplicate Contact Records

Several of you have recently asked me how to avoid creating duplicate contact records. The best way to do this if you are using Microsoft Outlook with standard contact forms that have not been customized (e.g. with user defined fields or forms) is to simply turn on the Check …

Arrow-tip #2: Don’t use your Calendar to manage your call backs

You create an appointment item to call a client and set the appointment alarm to help you remember to make the call. Inevitably you get busy and don’t have time to make the call at the time the alarm goes off which leads to a click on the snooze …

Fabulous Forecasting

Using HuntressPro pipeline reports to more accurately forecast revenues and to help determine the real value of your contacts

Course Description: Will I have enough money to pay my post holiday credit card bills? Is this customer really worth the revenues they are bringing in? Forecasting using the Huntress …

Fantastic Follow Up

Using HuntressPro call lists to keep in touch with your prospects, clients and network

Course Description: Who was I supposed to call today? I know I’m supposed to talk to Bob Johnson today, but I can’t remember why? This seminar will cover best practices for using Outlook and …

How to Sort on the Modified Field in the Contacts Folder

First, add the Modified field to the column list of the view you would like to use – I suggest the Phone List view – by right clicking in the Column header row and selecting Field Chooser from the pop up menu or clicking on the Field Chooser button on …

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